Major Ankle Problems Those Require A Trip To The Podiatrist

To keep up with your routine at home and workplace, it is essential that you can walk an extra mile without any health issues especially those related to your foot or ankle. However, the stress and pressure on your feet can lead you to develop severe problems with your ankle. So here we bring you the list of major ankle problems that you can encounter and may need an expert Podiatrist assistance to recover.

Achilles Tendinitis: first we have in our list is Achilles tendinitis which is actually the inflammation of the tendon due to excessive pressure. Though Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body, the overuse injury is very frequent to develop in people who are associated with sports.

Ankle Sprain: this is another common situation where you may develop sprain in your ankle due to twisting. It can also lead to damage of ligaments with a pop sound outside ankle.

Arthritis: this is actually a condition which can lead to stiffness of the ankle in all age groups. It can be very painful.  

Bunion Deformities: the base of the toe joint develops a bony presence at the foot side which grows more severe with the movement of big toe away from the other toes.  

Corns & Calluses: the skin of the feet may respond to the pressure by thickening which may grow thick enough to cause pain.  The thick skin under the feet is usually called callus while skin spots on top of toes are corns.

Foot Orthotics: our feet gives support to our body due to the arch under the feet which otherwise could lead to fractures and damages. If your arch starts to get flat, there are chances of foot collapse.

Fractures: another reason for which you may be searching for Podiatrist near me is the fractures which may develop out of injury, tension or excessive athletic training.

Fungal Toenails: in this condition, patients start to get nails which lose their color and become thick and brittle with malodor.  

Hammertoes: the bending or clawing of the toes due to the buckling of joints and ligaments could lead to mallet or claw toes which are also known as hammertoes.

Ingrown Nails: the nails which have edges growing into the flesh causing pain, redness, and infection are called ingrown nails. They may start hard and tender while the condition may get severe with soreness and infection.  

Neuromas: pinched nerve is a term used to define this condition. It is actually a nerve tissue which gets thicker due to ill-fitting shoes or injuries. Usually, this condition develops between third and fourth toes.

Heel Pain: during this condition patient start to feel pain in the heel while sitting or standing which vanish away during walking. It is actually a medical situation called plantar fasciitis that develops due to inflammation of the ligament between heel and ball of the foot.  

Warts: warts are caused due to virus action which leads to callus-like formation on foot. They can occur in any area while those under the feet are called plantar warts which are very painful to deal with.

So, if you are having a condition which sounds the most similar to the above-defined conditions, all you need to do is visit an expert podiatrist to help you seek the right treatment. Take care!
